how to be fit my body - An Overview

None of us wants to be sick. Because of illness and the cost is always trouble.
 If you feel sick, it's not that bad, so a person can not go to work or school,
 you can earn money, or can not take care of his family.In addition to caring for that person to another person,
 and it may be expensive to buy expensive drugs for treatment or to spend a lot of money.

You are sour how to get your body fitness 

A well-known proverb says, "It should have warned of the dangers before."
 It is true that some diseases can not be avoided. However, it was not sick or anything you can do to prevent illness.
 Please consider five things that will help you stay healthy.
1 to comply with good hygiene
2 Use pure water
3. Be attentive to food
4. Get physical
5. Get enough sleep
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